Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Business mindset / Confidence


Business Mindset

Business mindset has a single key element - CONFIDENCE is very often regarded as the ultimate social skill. We all want - and rightly so. People with self-confidence is usually found in the world where they lead a better place than those who suffer from a lack of it. Its almost as if the world is seen through a rose-colored glass

Why? Why do people with confidence lead a better life? Here are some reasons for that:
confidence is an attribute which is highly prized.
confidence breeds trust

However, be too overconfident, then people might ignore you!, lacking in confidence and people might patronize you!

People usually find it easier to trust a confident person. When you go for a job interview with confidence, the interviewer will notice it, and get the feeling that you are capable of performing the tasks at hand.

A confident person is like a man wearing an invisible sign reading “I can do anything, and I can do it well!” – and people’s first instinct will be to trust the person.

Business Mindset

Confidence breeds affection

Confident people are well liked by their family, their peers, their colleagues, their business associates, and their friends and by anyone they meet, really.

This may be due to the fact that confidence is akin to happiness. And people enjoy the company of happy people. This is a fact – after all, do you enjoy the company of a sad person?

Confidence commands authority

When a confident man speaks – other people listen. Maybe it’s in the way he talks, or maybe it’s what she is saying, or maybe its just pure confidence that inspire others to listen.

We’ll never know what exactly the reason is – but the reality is that confident people find it so much easier to get other people to cooperate with them.

And if a confident person can breed trust and happiness in all the people that he or she meets, and can convince people to listen and adhere to what he or she says, he or she has the potential to become a leader. And that is the most important aspect of having a Business Mindset.

The power of confidence – it truly is a magical thing. And the best part is, it’s something that everyone and anyone can learn.

So if you wish to benefit from the advantages of self-confidence, now would be a good time to start nurturing that confidence. In my blog i part my knowledge to those whom are like minded people in search of self improvement and daily motivation.

Website : winsonngblog.com
My Forte: Helping people to obtain the Ultimate Business Mindset. By reading various books about self improvement and power of Positive thinking, i have encapsulated a concise structure of what is essential for personal development.
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